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“Man passes through three stages.
First he worships everything: men, women, money, children, the earth and stones.
Then, when he is a little more advanced, he worships God.
In the end, he neither says ‘I worship God’ nor ‘I do not worship God’.
He has passed the first two steps and is now walking the last one.”

Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi

Propstei Wislikofen
For some years now, we have been guests in the Propstei Wislikofen for our events; for example, on the occasion of course weekends, the annual meeting of the association and numerous contemplation offers by our teachers.

Haus Maria Lindenberg
In Haus Maria Lindenberg we are represented on site by Dorothea Welle. Located in the Black Forest, the house offers us an ideal place to retreat for our teacher training courses and numerous courses.

Katharina-Werk Basel
Without the Katharina-Werk, the Via Integralis would not exist. In addition to the vision of Pia Gyger, the community of the Katharina-Werk has substantially supported us from the beginning to the foundation of the association. Until now, numerous contemplation teachers of via integralis are also members of the Katharina-Werk in a leading function. The Katharina-Werk is a member of our association as a legal entity.

We are closely connected with Lassalle-Haus through our founder, Niklaus Brantschen SJ. We derive our formation from the example of Father Lassalle. The Lassalle-Haus as an educational institution served as a course venue for a long time. Several of our members are teachers or attend Zen courses at Lassalle-Haus today. We maintain contact with each other.

Glassman-Lassalle Zen-Lineage
We look at the Zen lineage with sibling feelings – we share parents in a sense. When it comes to authentic Zen training within the Via Integralis, participation in Sesshin or Zazenkai is essential. We are in close contact with Hildegard Schmittfull (Sensei), Jürgen Lembke (Sensei) and Lisbeth Granacher (Hoshi) on a personal level.

Zen Zentrum Offener Kreis Luzern
There are close links with the ‘Zen Centre Open Circle’. Some teachers deepen their experience under the training of Anna Gamma Roshi. Gabriele Geiger-Stappel (Hoshi) is involved in the centre’s offerings alongside her work as a contemplation teacher.

Würzburger Forum der Kontemplation (WFdK)
Some of our teachers are personally connected to the forum and attend meetings.

Zen Peacemaker Schweiz
Some of our teachers are members with or maintain intensive contact with the Peacemakers, who go back to Bernie Glassman. During Bearing Witness retreats and street retreats, it becomes practically experiential when it is said, Kanzeon hears and sees!

Kirche und Frieden (Church and Peace)
This network brings together numerous groups to contribute to peace in the world. Via Integralis supports this cause and is represented at the annual meetings by its President.